The North Gloucestershire Bowls League

(As amended June 2022)

1. Title. The league to be called "North Gloucestershire Bowls League" coupled with the name of a sponsor if there is one, and to operate under the rules of the World Bowls
2. Object. To promote and foster a friendly, competitive environment for Level GreenBowls in the North Gloucestershire area.
3. Officers. The three offices of the league who may vote on any matter (2008)are:-
3.1 President: Responsible for acting as chairman at all meetings and to have the casting vote on any matter, should the need arise. (2022)
3.2 Secretary: Responsible as secretary for all normal secretarial duties plus the production of league tables and results sheets during the bowling season. He will also act as second signatory for financial matters when the treasurer is absent. His signature alone is all that is required to complete financial matters of the league but only in the absence of the league treasurer and with the consent of the leagues treasurer and President.(2022)
3.3 Treasurer: Responsible as Treasurer for the collection of league fees together with the normal accepted duties of this office. He will act as first signatory for financial transactions of the league. No other signature will be required to complete the financial matters of the league. He must produce a yearly account (including bank statements) to the committee at the annual general meeting of the league. (2022)
3.4 A third signatory for any financial transactions may be elected by the General Committee.
3.5 All signatories must be registered with the organisation holding the leagues finances and accounts.(2022)
3.6 Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Committee Meeting by a simple majority.
4. Committee.
4.1 The league shall be managed by a General Committee which will consist of the President, Secretary and/or Treasurer and up to two nominated delegates from each of the participating clubs, which will include the committees officers. Only one vote per club is allowed. (2017)
4.2 The league will have a constitution: which must be agreed by a simple majority of the general committee (2008)
4.3 Five members of the General Committee shall constitute a quorum.
4.4 The General Committee shall have the right to co-opt any other members of the participating clubs as it deems necessary or appropriate.

5. Meetings.
5.1 A general committee meeting will normally be held annually. Date and venue is to be arranged by league secretary following consultations with club league delegates. (2010)
5.2 The President shall have the right to convene extraordinary G.C.C.Ms, at his own discretion.
5.3 Notification of all meetings to be given by the secretary to the nominated members of the General Committee not less than twenty one days prior to the meeting. Items for inclusion on an agenda are to be received by the secretary not less than seven days before a meeting.
5.4 Any fully paid up bowling member of a participating club may ask his clubs NGL delegate to propose any changes or amendments to the constitution of the league. This may then be put before the general committee at the A.G.C.M. for consideration. (2008)
5.5 The A.G.C.M. will determine
a) The registration fee to be paid by each member club. (£25 decided in 2014)
b) Decide on the venue of the presentation ceremony of the league Trophy which will take the form of a match between the league champions and the Presidents rink against a team comprising one rink from each of the remaining clubs. This event is to be on a club rotational basis. (2009)
c) The draw and dates of the Knockout shield competition. (Details of which are decided at the
d) Any new proposals or amendments to the constitution. Any proposed change or amendment must have a simple majority and only one vote per club is allowed. (2008)
5.6 Voting at all meetings is restricted to the one nominated delegate, inclusive of the league officers, from each member club with the chairman having the casting vote should the need arise. (2008)
5.7 In the event of the general committee having to make any in-season decisions this may be done by email or in writing in correspondence with the league secretary. All such contact must be retained by the league secretary and produced on demand.(2014)
6. Matches. All league fixtures will be arranged by the league secretary (1997)
6.1. Each club will play the other clubs twice per season on a home and away basis.
6.2 Matches will commence at 6.15pm unless both clubs agree otherwise
6.3 All matches must be completed before the presentation of prizes.
6.4 All participating players must be fully paid-up members of the club they are representing at the time of play and may only play for one club. (2017)
6.5 Each team should consist of five rinks of four male players. (See 9.5) (2007)
6.6 All fixtures must be completed in the week beginning on the dates set out in the league programme for the season. The only exception will be if a club is on tour and the opposing club agrees to a rearrangement of the fixture. (2010)
6.7 Any club not fulfilling its fixture programme will have all its records expunged from the league and will be placed at the bottom of the league table. (2012)
6.8 Any indiscipline will be dealt with under the offending player(s) own club rules. (2012)
6.9. Any local home green rules must be conveyed to the Away team prior to any match. (2012)

7. Scoring:
7.1. Is that as decided at an A.G.C.M and that, together with any amendments, will be laid down and published separately.
7.2 The match will be 18 ends (weather permitting).There will be trial ends then normal scoring resumes for the following number of ends played. (2024)
8. Dress:-
8.1 Players shall conform to Bowls England rules concerning dress. Club shirts may be worn.
9. Local Rules.
9.1 A match abandoned after starting must have completed a minimum of eleven ends on all rinks to count as a completed fixture. At the point of abandonment all completed ends on each individual rink will count.
9.2 If a match starts late eleven ends must be completed by all rinks for it to count as a completed fixture.
9.3 If abandoned before eleven ends have been completed, the match shall be replayed at a mutually agreed date and time.
9.4 Any postponed/abandoned game should, where possible, be played on a mutually agreed later date. If rearrangement is not possible then points will be deducted from the defaulting team as decided by the committee. (Excluding the clubs involved.)(2008)
9.5 In the event of a team being short of the requisite number of players then the laws of the game will apply, i.e. one quarter of the number of shots scored shall be forfeited by the rink fielding only three players.
9.6. No side shall field more than two rinks of three players in any one match.
9.7. The secretary must be notified of any matches not played and the venue and date of any rearranged fixture. No fixture can be rearranged without consulting with the league secretary.
9.8. In the event of two teams being tied on the same number of points then the league position of each team will be decided by shot difference. If that is the same then the 'head to head' results between those teams will be the deciding factor.(2014)
10. Result Sheets.
10.1 The secretary will provide the captain of each club with the appropriate number of blank result sheets for each home match before the commencement of the league season.
10.2. It is the responsibility of the home team captain to forward the official completed result sheet, signed by both team captains, to the league secretary after the end of each match. (This may be done via Email: post or by hand (2009)
10.3. The secretary will provide an updated league table at the end of each month during the league season.
10.4 All prizes will be given to winners at a presentation event which is to be arranged by the league secretary
10.5 All rink scorecards must be retained by each club till the final league table has been published and accepted.
10.6 In the event of clubs ending the season with the same number of points then the 'shot difference' will decide the league position. In the event that the 'shot difference' is equal then the 'head to head' results between those clubs will be the deciding factor. (2014)
11. Penalty.
11.1 Any breach of this constitution by a player or club will result in a penalty as decided on by the General Committee, (excluding the defaulting player or club). Such penalty may be deduction of points, or having a game replayed or awarded to one or other of the teams or any other penalty the committee decide upon. No financial penalty may be imposed.
12. League Shield. A competition will be held at the end of each season known as the League Shield. (Rules have been agreed and are attached.) (2011).The draw will be made at the AGM and published immediately. (2012)
13. Review
13.1 These rules to be subject to review by the General committee as deemed necessary for the continued improvement of the league.


Scoring: two points for each winning rink one point for a draw and three points for an overall shots win (2013)
SUBSCRIPTIONS: 2014 were halved from £50 to £25 and It was agreed unanimously that the seasons subscriptions from all clubs would be donated to a local charity as decided by the club hosting the annual presentation dinner. There would be no monetary reward to any club for winning the League or the Shield. The League would not finance the presentation evening. However any sponsorship money held by the league will be used for this purpose and should this sponsorship fund not be available then the presentation evening host club will bear the cost.(2014)
Eligible Players. it was agreed by the full committee that any player, either belonging to two clubs or changing club during the season will only be allowed to play in the NGL for the club he most recently joined. (2017.)
NGL Shield Rules)
(N.G.L. Inter-club knock-out competition as amended at the 2011 AGM)

1.The competition will commence on completion of the North Gloucestershire League.
2.It will be a four-rink knock-out competition. Each side to consist of four rinks of four male players.
3.Two rinks will play at home and two rinks play away on the same night and at the same time, except the Final which will be played out by both teams on a neutral Green. (i.e. Four rinks on same green)
4.Play to commence no later than 6pm
5.Players must be fully paid up members of the club they represent at the time of play.
6.The draw and date of play for the following year shall be done at the Annual General Meeting. Any ‘Bye’ teams will be selected on a rota basis each year.(2011)
7.The Challenger (first named) will play the extra end on their home green. The extra end rink shall be determined beforehand by placing the score cards face down after they have been filled in and the rinks nominated. The visiting team will choose one card and that rink will play the extra end should it be needed.
8.The side with the greater number of shots shall be the winner.
9.The competition will be played over 18 ends, each game to commence straight away; there will be two trial ends. (2024)
10.A match abandoned by mutual consent after a minimum 11 ends per rink has been played will count as a completed game. The score at the completion of the last full end played at the point of abandonment will count.
11.If a match is abandoned before eleven ends have been completed it shall recommence at a mutually agreeable date and time. After two trial ends the match will resume where it left off.
12.In the event of a team being short of the requisite number of players the laws of the game will apply; i.e. a quarter of the number of shots scored shall be forfeited by the rink fielding only three players.
13.No side to field more than two rinks of three players.
14.Results to be relayed through to the League secretary A.S.A.P.